Friday, 12 November 2010

1 Simple Trick To Lose Fat And Stay Active

Hello Friend,

Sometime ago I was at Dick’s Sporting Good and bought a $20.00 pedometer and for the past few weeks I have been clipping it onto my belt every morning and wearing it all day to see how many steps I take each day. 

Its a pretty cool and simple little device that tallies up your steps every day.  I’ve been shooting to hit 10,000 steps a day.  Between walking around normally during the day and taking my little English Bulldog for walks around the neighborhood I have been hitting that goal pretty close to everyday.  

Fat Loss Expert Tom Venuto recently reminder me of a “2006 research study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion found that in previously sedentary overweight adults, subjects who met a 10,000-steps-per-day goal saw large improvements in body composition. Those who missed their goal did not.”

Researcher Dr. Vicki Harber said, “Getting people to do more than they currently do is imperative. The 10,000 step program is an excellent starting point. The pedometer itself provides instant feedback, is motivating for many and shows accumulated steps very nicely. It is self-paced and is geared toward getting people who do virtually nothing to do something. ‘Something’ is definitely better than nothing. So – we encourage people to accumulate 10,000 steps over the day. This would include shuffling back and forth from your desk to the photo-copier or the coffee machine as well as a hurried sprint to catch the bus. All the steps count.”

I of course recommend that you follow a structured progressive resistance training program and doing regular cardio workouts if you really want to make significant progress towards a leaner physique – the 10,000 steps a day pedometer trick is just another simple trick to help move you along the way.

Do yourself a favor and head to your local sports good store and pick one up.

Train with purpose,

View the Original article

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